ADHD People | The Tom Nardone Show | An Enema of ADHD

ADHD People | The Tom Nardone Show | An Enema of ADHD

Latest Episodes

The ALL NEW Tom & Yvonne Show
January 08, 2017

Tom & Yvonne discuss their ideas and possibilities for the future of their newest endeavor, The Tom and Yvonne Show(working title) This will NOT be instead of, but only in addition to, The Tom Nardone Show

The Work Day/Snow Day Conundrum
January 07, 2017

The Work Day/Snow Day Conundrum. Oh!!!! What to do. Fantastic Show today if I do say so myself. This is not the one to miss.

New Years Eve with Tom and guest Michael Ray
January 03, 2017

First show of the 2017 recorded at midnight on new years eve. Michael is an interesting person and he and I discuss fireworks, Big Rigs and much more.

The Christmas Day Show
December 25, 2016

Two Years on the Air.

Christmas Pains in the A$$ with Jennie Friedman
December 18, 2016

Jennie Friedman joins Tom and Yvonne Nardone for a show about Christmas and the things that make it difficult and/or interesting. Show includes best and worst gifts, Christmas card etiquette and much more.

Rick Green of Totally ADD
December 16, 2016

Rick Green of Totally ADD Joins Tom Nardone.

December 14, 2016

Yvonne and I talk about several things. We did not really want to do a show today so you people should just feel lucky to get what you got, Enjoy.

Climbing Out of My Head
November 30, 2016

Tom Nardone's 3 month battle with depression.

Laurie Dupar & Tom Nardone Coaching and Binge Watching
September 08, 2016

Yes! Laurie Dupar at great potential risk to her career and credibility graced The Tom Nardone Show to discuss Coaching and ADHD, but also a whole lot more.

My Fellow ADHD Attention Whore: Shawn McGovern
August 24, 2016

It was truly a pleasure to spend some time with Shawn McGovern tonight. My new friend and fellow "attention whore", and I had surprisingly never met before this evening and I am amazed at some of the things we have in common. Shawn and I spoke about the w