Across the Airwaves Podcast (Network Archive)

Across the Airwaves Podcast (Network Archive)

Across the Airwaves Episode 287 (Enhanced) The British Invasion

April 11, 2017

On this week’s episode we continue the “Spring 2017 TV Season” with a significantly shorter episode that includes only Michael and Tim’s review of Supernatural, along with some Entertainment News in the News with Nico section, but no Streaming Review this week as Nico is traveling , but check back in the coming weeks for more streaming recommendations..  So join us for all of that in this latest episode of Across the Airwaves Podcast. News with Nico Headlines: YouTube TV Just Launched in 5 Citites The Defenders Premiere Date Set at Netflix Mark Hamill Does Bad Lip Reading of Star Wars The Force Awakens Game of Thrones Reveals New Costumes for Season 7 Fan Favorites Carrie Fisher’s Family Has Given Permission for Leia Footage to Appear in Star Wars Ep 9 Gilmore Girls: Lauren Graham and Alexis Bledel Respond to Renewal Buzz Ratings: Modern Family Hits Series Low David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson Reunite for X-Files Audiobook TV Show Episodes Reviewed on This Week's Podcast: Supernatural: S12E17 "The British Invasion"