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Four Things That Can Cause ED That You Don’t Know About

February 28, 2014

Did you know biking could cause erectile dysfunction?

Most men know that smoking and drinking can affect their sex life. These two lifestyle choices can lead to erectile dysfunction. Certain medical conditions, like diabetes, can also contribute to the problem. But there are lesser-known causes of ED, which affects about two million men worldwide.

“Men might not realize that certain everyday habits can contribute to their risk for erectile dysfunction,†Salvatore Giorgianni, PharmD, science advisor to the Men’s Health Network, tells the Huffington Post.

For example, did you know that lack of flossing is connected to erectile dysfunction? It’s true. Check out this list of things that can cause erectile dysfunction that you probably didn’t know about.

Get rid of canned foods

If you’ve got a cupboard full of canned foods, you might want to think twice before you reach for an opener. Studies suggest that bisphenol-A, or BPA, a chemical found in canned goods, is linked to erectile dysfunction.

Keep biking to a minimum

If you’re an avid biker, your hobby might be causing problems in the bedroom. A study of more than 1700 men found that men who rode for three hours a week are more likely to have erectile dysfunction.

Flossing isn’t just good for your teeth.

Don’t forget to floss

Your gum health is crucial to your overall health. Studies show those with gum disease are more likely to have heart problems, and now, a recent Israeli study suggests a connection between gum disease and erectile dysfunction. While continued studies are needed, it’s in your best interest to make sure you’re taking good care of your teeth and gums.

Prescriptions meds can lead to ED

If you’re on a variety of medications, they could be stifling your bedroom performance. Certain anti-depressants, for example, are linked to loss of sexual appetite and erectile dysfunction. Talk with your doctor about the potential side effects of prescription medications.