Making Schools Shine presented by Bullpen Marketing

Making Schools Shine presented by Bullpen Marketing

PODCAST: Marketing Audit

March 19, 2015

Why do YOU need a marketing audit? Listen to our 10 minute podcast to find out!

An independent outside view of your school can help minimize expense and waste, significantly. Most often, a school is too close to the situation and simply can’t manage to see “the forest for the trees.” School marketing audits can help you reassess, refine and reallocate your school’s current marketing efforts and budget by trimming back and cutting out deadwood, while highlighting areas for new growth.

Listen here for some helpful tips and tricks if you're thinking of tackling a school audit. Contact us today if you'd like Bullpen Marketing to assist you in conducting your next school audit.

And remember to subscribe to our podcast on iTunes to get these downloaded straight to your podcast library. If you have a question or would like to submit a topic for discussion email us as