The Abundant Life with Brandon Kelley

The Abundant Life with Brandon Kelley

Mission: Advance – An Ever-Growing Relationship

January 26, 2019

When it comes to our relationship with God, we’re called to own our growth. We need to be active participants in what God is doing in and through us. We need to own our growth.

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If you follow me on the Gram (Instagram) or if we’re friends on Facebook, you may have seen a photo I posted of Sara and me going to get memberships at the Y in town. 

Here it is. She says she wants to get busy working out so she can still enjoy those brownies. 

That day, was a build-up of an entire process that led up to it and it was the beginning of a new process going forward.

You see, one of the many life-changes we experienced in 2018 was paying off our debt outside of our home. 

We had wanted to get a gym membership for some time, but we didn’t want to go with a cheaper gym like Planet Fitness because while it’s nice not having a contract, it wouldn’t work well for us because we would need to take advantage of the childcare while we work out. And typically, those gyms require a year-long contract, like the Y.

So before we got to grab our family membership at the Y, we went through a process of paying off our debt, moving here, and then saving up for the registration fee and first month of membership fee. 

It was a process.

And now we’re engaging in a new process. The slow, steady, consistent, difficult process of getting into shape.

And it’s been pretty cool because my dad has been working out a lot and so we’re talking about that together and are sharing what we’re doing.

Also, Sara’s mom, Jerica, has started to go to the gym with her. 

But for those of you who are used to going to the gym, staying fit, and eating well, you know that the process is only beginning for us. 

This is just the beginning. It’s a path that requires many steps. It’s a plan that requires work. 

It’s a process.

And the same is true for our walk with God. It’s a process.

Life with Christ and life in Christ is a process.

Growing in our walk with Him is a process.

Renewing our minds and being transformed is a… process.

It’s not a moment. It’s a series of steps down a long path.

Here at FCC, we want you to grow.

We want to help you take those steps with God.

We want to help you grow in your devotion to Him.

We want to help you walk the good walk with Jesus.

We want to help you keep stepping after Him and develop into a kind of follower of Jesus that follows Him Gradatim Ferociter. What does that mean? It means step-by-step ferociously. Following Jesus step-by-step ferociously. 

Jesus said to walk this way? Here I am walking.

Jesus said go serve them? Here I am serving.

Jesus said grow? Here I am growing.

Here at FCC,