Absolute Clarity

Absolute Clarity

Lights, Camera, Travel | 314

November 20, 2019

Welcome to the number one travel management podcast, Absolute Clarity.

Today, we’re joined in the studio by actor, Liam Blundell, film director, Pete Butler and Photographer and university lecturer, Junior Lloyd, as we talk about travel in the arts.

What’s it like to run a travel budget on a film set? Do actors push the boundaries with their travel? Does a British accent in America really open doors? We find out all this and more on this week’s episode.

We also discuss their involvement in Clarity’s latest video, The journey, showcasing the traveller experience using our award-winning tech and service.
And finally, we discover our guests' first, best and worst travel experiences in our popular final segment.

Don't forget, you can get involved by tweeting us @Clarity_BT using #AbsoluteClarity

Want to watch The Journey? Follow this link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2A5FrEW7bto

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We'll see you in two weeks.