Slow Death in the Afternoon Podcast

Slow Death in the Afternoon Podcast

Episode 59

June 05, 2012

Three absinthe reviews in this episode! Three. And an endorsement for using Jaegermeister as actual medicine. Jerry tells the tale he's probably told before about how Jaeger was used as a miracle cure in San Dimas, California, back in the late 1980's.

You can safely say that, as much as the last episode barely had anything to do with absinthe, this one is very absinthe-centric.

Sadly, Dan was not able to make it to the Absinthe Festival as he'd planned, so this was recorded during the festival while both he and Jerry lived vicariously through the social media posts of those who were there.

Music featured on this episode is from the vastly under-appreicated album A Beautiful Night by Lokumu. If you like what you hear, please go check out the rest of the album. :-)

Thank you for listening, everyone! Please comment below, and also share with your friends. That's like applause to us. Also, some 5-star ratings on iTunes would be awesome as well!