Abolition Now Podcast – World Life

Abolition Now Podcast – World Life

Latest Episodes

Orlando Mass Killings: An Abolitionist’s View
June 14, 2016

Don Cooper shares an abolitionist perspective on the tragedy in Orlando. It isn’t “easy” to kill 50 people in a nightclub as the president seems to imply with his speech after the tragedy in Orlando. It takes a wicked person who denies that human b

Paradigm Shift: What Do We Mean And Why Does It Matter?
May 12, 2016

What does it mean when abolitionists use the term “paradigm shift” when talking about the fight to abolish human abortion today? What are abolitionists calling the pro-life person to do? What is the abolitionist’s role in the paradigm sh

Abolition Basics Project Frontlines Update
April 23, 2016

As abolitionists we believe that no place in the public square is exempt from our efforts of agitation and assistance to eventually bring abortion to an end. In the words of William Lloyd Garrison, “Henceforth I am ready on all days, on all convenient o

Paradigm Shift: What Is It And Why It Matters To You
April 13, 2016

When abolitionists talk about a “paradigm shift” in the fight to end abortion what do they mean exactly? Why does it matter? Why are pro-life leaders the most rabid opponents to legislation that call for immediate and total abolition? Don Coop

Paradigm Shift: What Why How And So What
April 12, 2016

What does it mean when abolitionists use the term “paradigm shift” when talking about the fight to abolish human abortion today? What are abolitionists calling the pro-life person to do? What is the abolitionist’s role in the paradigm sh