A Better Bible Study Podcast video

A Better Bible Study Podcast video

003 GG03 Sharing the Gospel and Growing in Christ

April 07, 2014

This episode of the bible study series dubbed The Gospel and Spiritual Growth will deal with how we Christians share the gospel of Christ with  others and how we grow to become more like Christ. The importance of the gospel in our spiritual growth has its root in the truth that it is the power of God into salvation. Recalling the passage in Romans 1:16,

“[16] For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes,

to the Jew first and also to the Greekâ€. (Rom 1:16 NASB)


The Gospel and Preaching

It has been given much emphasis that the gospel is the sole power of God into salvation. There is no other way to salvation but through the gospel – the  belief in and obedience of it. Moreover, it is also necessary to understand what the Bible says about the gospel, and what it implies as to the whole concept of Christianity.

Acknowledging that the gospel is the sole power of God to salvation, also, means believing that it is only through sharing the gospel to our fellows, those who we want to bring into a Christian life, is the only means of helping them. Only through the gospel can we hope to lead our fellow man to spiritual growth, to growing in Christ.

There may be different approaches to sharing the gospel with others, for example, use of personal testimonies and heart-rending stories may help to get the attention of people with whom you want to do bible study . However, the ultimate weapon, the only truly effective weapon, that an evangelist can hope to use to convert anyone to the church of Christ must be the gospel.

What some other evangelists do is debunk denominational beliefs, expose their error and at times humiliate those that hold them. Although this has been a long practice, it does not result to conversion. While this practice might be most logical, (how else do you correct a wrong than expose them and tell them what is right?), it has been proven ineffective as a way of sharing the gospel of Christ and actually converting people.

What is effective is sharing the gospel itself.

This underlines the importance of knowing the gospel, its components and its fundamentals as written in the Old Testament, the background and prophesies that will help deepen our understanding of it. Knowing these things and having a more profound understanding of the gospel is in itself enough for us to become effective evangelists.


Bible study and spiritual Growth

Knowing the importance of the gospel to our salvation, and acknowledging that it is the only weapon we can use to help convert our fellow man to a Christ-like life, implies that we must constantly study and contemplate on the words of God.

One part of the spiritual growth process involves Bible study. From a theological point of view, once we deeply understand the gospel, we will also begin to understand what God expects from us. In this way, we are able to examine ourselves and gauge our spiritual well-being. We can ask ourselves, “How close am I to the Christ-like life that God expects from me?†Every member of the church of Christ’s ultimate ambition must be to become more like Christ. It is the highest evidence of conversion and belief in the gospel.  It can be said that heaven is our destination and a Christ-like life is the road to it.

It is apparent that reading the scriptures and sharing the gospel is our means of taking part in God’s plan for eternal life. As we study the gospel and let others partake of its significance, we also are changed into the person that Christ wants us to be. Our own perspective of how we have grown in Christ must be so that we can honestly say that we have achieved spiritual growth.

The ultimate goal is to become as Christ, live in his steps and achieve spiritual maturity. In this manner, we will not have to worry if we will attain that eternal life. It is our spiritual growth, that something that cannot be easily seen that is important. Our belief in the gospel is what the basis will be of our salvation. As what Paul says in 2 Corinthians 4:18;

“[18]…while we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen; for the things which are seen are temporal, but the things which are not seen are eternal.†(2Cr 4:18 NASB)


This recurring theme in Paul’s letter to the church of Christ in Corinth gives the realization that we are changeable creations. Everything about us changes because our physical stature is a thing of this earth, something that is only in passing. The more important change is that change which takes place on the spiritual level. It is the change that is not seen by the naked eye but evidences our full conversion into the Christ-like life that is our ultimate goal. An individual who has undergone spiritual growth and matured in spirit profess the qualities of a true convert.

Conversion to the gospel goes beyond rejecting one’s doctrinal beliefs. True conversion goes beyond baptism. Conversion is emulating the qualities of Christ that emanates from the understanding of the gospel. It is understanding accepting and doing what God expects from us.


The Gospel Sustains Us

Looking at the first verses of 1 Corinthians 15, Paul declared that we can stand in the Word. This means we can depend on the gospel. It sets us up and it is all that we need to be saved if we fully hold on to it.

“[1] Now I make known to you, brethren, the gospel which I preached to you, which also you received, in which also you stand, [2] by which also you are saved, if you hold fast the word which I preached to you, unless you believed in vain. “(1Cr 15:1-2 NASB)

This also tells that, in terms of preaching the gospel and helping others to be converted to it, we simply need them to be exposed to it, no more no less. We also need to find that person who is willing to open up his mind and be exposed to the gospel. Oftentimes, debates do not present this person. Our full and deep understanding of the gospel should compel us that it is the only one we need to be able to take part in God’s plan of eternal life.


The exclusivity of Christ

In the previous episode we recall that Paul has referred to the Messiah as Christ. In the history of the Hebrews this means that a single person will stand as the anointed one who will be all prophet, priest and king. This is one among the considerations that we need to keep in mind when sharing the gospel.

The Messiah has been called many names in the Old Testament, and we saw that the prophets and Psalmist of the early times has prophesied what the Messiah will look like and what He will fulfill. Here is an example:

[6] For a child will be born to us, a son will be given to us; And the government will rest on His shoulders; And His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace. (Isa 9:6 NASB)

            Finally, when we talk about the gospel, we talk about the exclusivity of Christ as the only person who embodies the prophesies of the anointed one. Christ takes up the role of our prophet through whom God communicates to us. He is our priest, who is our only line to God. And finally, He is our everlasting all-encompassing king, our savior and ruler.

With these in mind, we can be more effective in realizing our role of sharing God’s plan for eternal life. At the same time, contemplating on the gospel help us understand what God expects from us and thus we mature in our spiritual growth. We are unique creations in a sense that we can become better than we are through the work of God in our lives, by the gospel.


For next episode

            A more in depth take on the gospel will be tacked in the next episode of this online bible study with our brothers and sisters in the church of Christ.

Let us all aspire to become DBR- Daily Bible reader. Until next episode, God bless us all!