ABC Book Reviews Podcast

ABC Book Reviews Podcast

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Special Episode: Interactive Children’s Reading Apps
December 13, 2013

Special Guest Hosts: Children's Librarian from Lisa Krok  and Chief Creative Officer of Storypanda James Chutter More and more parents and educators are using tablets with children to help them learn to read and write. Learn more about interactive child

Read Alikes and Book Giveway! #abcbookreview
November 22, 2013

We apologize that it's been so long but are two really busy librarians. We want to make it up to you by giving away to advanced copies of Carla Buckley's The Deepest Secret. It is awesome!! Just #abcbookreview on Twitter. Contest ends December 15. Books

What We’re Reading or “It’s so good but I’m so scared!”
October 04, 2013

We have a very eclectic mix of books this episode. Cari is so impressed with Emily Oster that she recommends for her to write a book about everything. We both met some pretty amazing authors at Bouchercon and the Willoughby-Eastlake Public Library's Autho

The ‘e’ in Everything like eBooks or “You can get that rush at 2am when you find an ebook online!”
September 12, 2013

We talk about books and eBooks. We also show our age by what we consider a 'regular' phone. Learn what Overdrive (the library eBook vendor) did to make downloading eBooks SO EASY!! Find out what you can do with a library eBook that you can't do with a ph

Interview with Susan Schorn, author of Smile at Strangers or “Learn how to say no to anyone and use coffee as a weapon”
August 08, 2013

We are so excited to share our first author interview. Smile at Strangers: and Other Lessons in the Art of Living Fearlessly is a book that will appeal on so many levels for those who are in management positions, parents, women and anyone who wants to lea

Addictive Book Series or waiting for “Thirsty 35: a Stephanie Plum Novel” by Janet Evanovich
July 11, 2013

We talk about addictive series, and about getting Beth's husband into a addiction program for Jim Butcher readers. We talk about long-standing series that never end and short series. Also. learn how to use 'waffle' as an adjective. Find out how to get dig

What We’re Reading (and Watching) or “We eat cows that eat poop and we’re all gonna die!”
June 17, 2013

We talk about addictive shows, addictive food, addictive books and a new feature 'name that slogan.' Do you listen to nonfiction to learn, validate your views, or for the shock value? Shows we talk about: Game of Thrones Dr. Who Lost New Girl The Daily S

What We’re Reading or Parenting, Dieting, and Not Sleeping
May 15, 2013

We talk about a few fiction series we read recently but mostly focus on non-fiction related to diet and parenting. Learn how Beth lost 35 lbs without exercise and commiserate with Cari about the lack of sleep with a baby. Books we talk about: Bartimaeus

Chapter Books, Picture Books and “Warning: This Podcast Contains Poop”
April 30, 2013

In this episode, we start to talk about what we're reading but veer off into our childhoods and talk about the books we loved and remember. We also talk a little bit about what our kids are 'reading.' As a bonus, you get to hear Cari mimic musical baby to

Hey Authors, We’re Still Your Friend! or “You should see how much vinyl is in my basement”
April 15, 2013

We talk about the New York Times' article The Slow Death of the American Author by Scott Turow.  We debunk some of what Scott Turow said about libraries and our eBook lending model. We tell you what the true test of an author is (according to us). We