Brad Thomas presents, "After All Is Said & Done"

Brad Thomas presents, "After All Is Said & Done"

AAISAD 0281 – Presidential Race 2020 & General Elections, Stakes, Ramifications, America’s Past & Future, Leftism, Lies, Propaganda, & Destruction

November 02, 2020

Presidential Race 2020 – General Elections 2020 – Pres. Trump vs. former VP Joe Biden.
What are the stakes, what will be the ramifications of these elections?
The Evil Party, and the Stupid Party – and their legacies.
Putin’s Totalitarian Russian Regime – Nuclear reminders, and Communist Chinese Regime – military exercises in the Four Seas.
Dr. Josef Mengele’s sadistic horrors, Nero Caesar’s monstrous evil updated with medical technology and government sponsorship in the USA.
The Leftist plan for a worldwide regime, 247 years in the making.