A to Z with Nikki Lee

A to Z with Nikki Lee

Episode 3: Civics 101 Part 2

March 15, 2018

Welcome to the third episode of A to Z with Nikki Lee!

This week is part 2 of Civics 101 with guest Greer Warren, a life-long Democrat who has lived in Tucson for 30 years. Under the auspices of Indivisible Southern Arizona, Greer developed the Civics 101 presentation to teach the general public the basic structures of our federal, state and local governments, and to remind citizens of where their influence lies with their elected representatives.

Because Greer provided us with a lot of amazing content, we have split the interview into two parts. This week is part 2, where we discuss the Arizona Corporation Commission, the Independent Redistricting Commission, the court system and more.

If you missed part 1, you can find the link here: https://soundcloud.com/a-to-z-with-nikki-lee/episode-2-civics-101-part-1

There are several links mentioned in the interview, so if you are a listener wanting to learn more, please check these out:

ACC monthly meetings: http://www.azcc.gov/