8 Bits and Joysticks

8 Bits and Joysticks

8 Bits & Joysticks: Episode 050 – The 50th Episode Celebration

September 27, 2015

DISCLAIMER: Please excuse the poor quality for this episode. I've explained it on the site, our Facebook page, and Twitter account but basically the computer we edit on crashed during the editing process and corrupted the original file. This audio is pulled from the archived Twitch broadcast so it's not great sounding. We apologize for this but we figured this was better than nothing. Thanks for putting up with this and we'll definitely practice better file management in the future!

It's our 50th podcast episode! This week we bring back the Director's Cut theme and we each direct a music block and a level. We talk about making our own boss stage, what an 8 Bits movie would be like, and Sean quizzes Miles and Andrew about games they've never played.

Thanks for listening and we hope to give you 50 more episodes!

"Super Mariocean" - spacepony
OC ReMix Download: http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01147

Level 1 Directed by Miles Brueckner
Level 2 Directed by Andrew Padula
Level 3 Directed by Sean Hughes

Produced by Andrew Padula