8 Bits and Joysticks

8 Bits and Joysticks

8 Bits & Joysticks: Episode 031

April 15, 2015

This week we discuss the music of Crash Bandicoot, we continue our Bedtime Stories series, we each share the games we feel the most guilty about missing out on, and Sean and Andrew face off in the Remix Rumble. 

Remix Redemption: "The Life and Death of Kirby" - Insert Rupee, halc, Benjamin Briggs
OC ReMix Download: http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02364

Winning Remix: "3D Hip Hop" - Dj CUTMAN
Name Your Price Downloads:
Purchase Track: http://music.djcutman.com/track/3d-hip-hop-super-mario-3d-world
Purchase Album: http://music.djcutman.com/album/volume-iii