8bit Bourbon

8bit Bourbon

EP 115: Anthony Joins The Battle! - 8bit Bourbon

March 01, 2016

DDoS attacks on Xbox Live


Is “always online” a good or bad thing?


New Hololens demo


VR or AR? Or fuck both?


Microsoft's “big” announcement 

More games coming to Windows 10
Preview Update looks sweet! (MS killing it w/ software) http://news.xbox.com/2016/03/01/xbox-one-march-system-update-preview/

Microsoft makes big Xbox-on-PC push with 4K, 60 fps Forza 6 Apex


Digital stores closing? What does that mean for us?


Next PS4 Update Brings Streaming To Macs and PCs


Dark Souls 3


Activision won’t have a booth at E3


Contact Us!

* 8bitbourbon@gmail.com
* podcast@8bitbourbon.com

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* @8bitBourbon
* @AndyPolidore
* @baynard17

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