

05 | Healthy Connections w/ AW - 803Podcast

November 16, 2016

AW talks with us about living a healthy lifestyle and developing healthy habits. 803Podcast is a weekly show where we talk about the people, places, and events that shape our world. Hosted by Pressed2Live, we share our thoughts on topics of personal interest and influence. We feature guests who keep us informed, on track, and moving forward. Always forward.
Learning something new takes time and sometimes a little bit of courage. AW was gracious enough to share how she she developed healthy connections over time. We encourage you to start today and develop your own healthy connections.
Fit for Free: 10 tips for Starting Your Fitness Journey
From InsightBulletin.com
Keep these tips in mind when you put that first foot forward.

* Define your goals. Do you want to lose ten pounds, discover that six-pack, or do you just want to feel “healthy?” There’s an abundance of free resources out in the world, but it can be difficult to narrow any down without knowing what you want. If you begin your search with a specific goal in mind, you’ll fare better in finding tips that work best for you. Start with a fitness program picker, like this one.
* YouTube it. From free Pilates classes to healthy cooking instructionals, someone out there has done all of the research for you. Get that six-pack here or here. Bonus: If you don’t like your trainer, just switch channels! Focus on “beginner routines” and subscribe for automated reminders.
* Ditch the equipment. Surprise, your best piece of equipment is always available for free: your own body. Body weight fitness relies on yourself as the resistance: no need for a full-scale gym or those dumbbells you’ll only pick up when you buy them. Beginning routines focus on common exercises like push-ups, pull-ups, squats, and stretching. No fancy moves needed.
* Get on a budget. Budget may be the most feared word in many households, but the concept of tracking every dollar to build a stronger financial foundation can also apply to your daily fitness goals. Knowledge is power in this realm too. Know what you’re eating, how you’re feeling, and what you’re doing with a free tracker. MyFitnessPal is a popular choice for tracking calories, activities, and goals on the go.
* Take your hobbies outside. Love jumping on the couch with your favorite show after work? Grab your phone, the Netflix app, and start walking around the neighborhood instead. Got a swimming pool in the neighborhood? I bet no one is there lounging at 7am. Get in and get kicking.
* Use the time you have. One of the biggest complaints about keeping a routine is a lack of time. While it may be difficult to find two hours of workout time in a day, monitor how you use the other 22. Preparing meals ahead of time can cut down on fast food stops, and that half-hour show is the perfect opportunity to squeeze in a few sit-ups.
* Check out free classes in the community. A quick search through the common webpages of your city or an online community group like Meetup can reveal free activities galore. Free yoga in the local park or a weekly hike would be more fun than that elliptical anyway.
* Grab a friend. If you feel like the gym is more your style, ask about any special offers for bringing a friend (or relative) along. Many times, you’ll be able to split the cost, and you’ll have someone to keep you accountable.
* Set a reminder to get up and move.