Win On Purpose

Win On Purpose

Dream Killers Pt. 1

March 15, 2019

(Like, Share, & Subscribe)I hope at this point in the year, everyone is still committed to their goals, and sticking to tasks you set out to accomplish. If not, don’t worry, you still have time to make it happen. So, make it happen! Today’s podcast will address some simple, yet dangerous culprits, that have been successful at killing dreams. The first dream killer I want to bring our attention is obvious, but the way it masks itself can prevent us from recognizing it when it shows up. Sometimes, we do not notice it until it is too late. That dream killer’s name is, DISTRACTION! It’s so easy to fall prey to distractions in the age we live in because we are busy people. We have more access to technology today than any other generation in the history of the planet. Not only do we have social media, Netflix, the internet, and work competing for our attention, we also have to find time for our families and friends. And we wonder why we are tired all the time? There are so many things vying for our attention. It can be challenging to figure out what is the priority, and what we should leave for later. Leadership and Personal Mastery Specialist Robin Sharma says, “your life is too important to give it to distractions.”  Think about it -- when was the last time you were able to be alone with your thoughts for a couple of hours? When was the last time you practiced meditation techniques? How many of us can sit in a room for thirty minutes without grabbing our phones or tablets every few minutes to check emails, text messages, or social media? Growing up, when it would rain, my family would gather together in the living room and spend quality time together. I'm not sure if that was by force or by choice, but it was my parent's rule. When there was a storm coming, my mom would turn everything off, which included the air conditioner. We would open the door, lay on the floor, listen to the rain, sing, laugh, and enjoy each other's company. Those times created memories and a bond with my family that I will never forget. Today, quiet and alone time has become almost non-existent. It’s like we are too afraid to sit in quiet with our thoughts because we are too afraid of what might come to the forefront. I will admit, dealing with our doubts, and facing our past can be scary. So our way of dealing with it is to keep ourselves preoccupied. We associate being busy with being productive, but that couldn't be further from the truth. I can be busy driving, but that does not mean I am going in the right direction. I believe, if we re-evaluated our schedules today, we would find several things that are unproductive. If we eliminated those unproductive items we would see that we have more time to dedicate to making our dreams come to life.  We have to evaluate our lives and check to see if our schedule or agenda is a distractor in disguise. Playwriter and Director Lorraine Hansberry were quoted as saying, “Never be afraid to sit awhile and think.” We need to ask ourselves:What do I really need to do? What do I need to let others do? What doesn’t need to be done at all?Distractions also come in the form of people. Some of our so-called friends are nothing more than distractions. If we are honest, we would admit that half the people we consider friends don't want to see us succeed. Many of them are hanging around, waiting to see what’s going to happen next. Some are spies for our enemies, and others are place holders we use when we want someone to hang out with. If we are real with ourselves, we can admit that true friends care about us enough to challenge us. True friends call us to a higher standard and make us better people.Here’s how you can tell if a person is a true friend:They require us to rise to a higher level. They demand we give our best to our dreams. They encourage and uplift us. They are not constantly running back telling us negative things other people have s