5 Useless Degrees & A Bottle of Scotch

5 Useless Degrees & A Bottle of Scotch

Episode 93: Wonders Never Cease

January 15, 2015
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This Week

Lakewood Theatre’s production of C.S. Whitcomb’s The Seven Wonders of Ballyknock

Whisky can be an expensive habit. In part, that’s because good whisky costs good money. But it’s also because you never quite know what you’re going to get when you pick out a new, reasonably priced bottle. And when you’re obliged to try new whisky week after week like we are, the pile of sub-par moonshine tends to swell at a quicker than average pace. If only there existed a magic wand that would improve the quality of that swill in short order. Meet Time & Oak, the new Portland-based product that claims to accomplish exactly that wonder. These little sticks (they call them “elementsâ€) supposedly transform, say, Old Smuggler into Ardbeg-grade Scotch with just a modicum of time and immersion. Are we skeptical? Of course we are. But are we willing to try it in an effort to recoup some of our losses? Hell yes. Let the experiment begin!

Next Week

Portland Center Stage’s production of Christopher Durang’s Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike

Interview with Portland Experimental Theatre Ensemble’s Rebecca Lingafelter


0:18 Intro

1:18 Scotch talk: Time & Oak Whiskey Element

2:02 Welcome back

3:00 Theatre shows we’re looking forward to in 2015

5:45 Theatre Roundtable and Forum

8:40 More 2015 looking forward to

9:30 More Scotch talk: Time & Oak Whiskey Element

22:30 Fertile Ground Festival

25:08 Review of Lakewood Theatre’s The Seven Wonders of Ballyknock

30:21 BREAK

30:40 more Scotch talk

31:30 Ballyknock continued

47:50 The Calendar

49:45 Theatre Around the World

55:55 Outro