5 Useless Degrees & A Bottle of Scotch

5 Useless Degrees & A Bottle of Scotch

Episode 91: Frogsz and Kidsz

December 18, 2014
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This Week

Imago Theate’s Frogz

You expect to see blue hair at Lakewood and Broadway Rose. You expect to sit amongst Lind-say and her budding, leading philanthropist friends at Portland Center Stage and Artists Repertory Theatre (listen to Episode 88 for the reference). You expect fifteen to twenty people at any production in The Shoebox. And when you go see a show at Imago Theatre, where some of the most intellectually and emotionally complicated stage work in the city is produced, you expect to see…children? And not just children, but a sea of children. That’s what greeted them, and defied their expectations, when Eric and James went to see the company’s mainstay, Frogz. James had never seen the long-running show, and Eric had barely seen a version of it many moons ago. So perhaps any expectation was unfairly based. Now that they finally have seen it, here’s what they think, and what you might expect.

January 1

Rebroadcast: our interview with Steffen Silvis

The Best of 5 Useless Degrees from 2014


0:17 Intro

1:20 Theatre Roundtable

3:44 Theatre Forum

5:23 Review of Imago Theatre’s FROGZ

32:38 Short Break

32:50 Whisky Talk

39:42 Review of FROGZ continued

47:05 Thoughts on Portland’s 2014-15 theatre season so far

53:00 The Calendar

55:25 Theatre Around the World

1:03:24 Thank You’s :-)

1:10:00 Coming Up: on our next episodes

1:12:10 See you next year!