5 Useless Degrees & A Bottle of Scotch

5 Useless Degrees & A Bottle of Scotch

Episode 89: Spirited Away

December 04, 2014
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This Week

Artist Repertory Theatre’s production of Noël Coward’s Blithe Spirit

Triangle Time…with Nathan: 5 Lesbians Eating a Quiche by Evan Linder and Andrew Hobgood

In the program for Blithe Spirit is a step-by-step DIY guide for holding a seance. Eric and James thought that it would be a splendid idea to follow the directions and invite a theatre-going spirit into Studio 5UDBS. They’re always encouraging diverse points of view to join the conversation, and why should those in the afterlife be excluded? But in hatching this plan they failed to consider Haggis’s reaction. When our Scottish producer entered the room and caught them preparing to call out over the spiritual divide, he flipped over a table (not the Scotch table, thankfully) and went berserk: “If ye hink yoo’re gonnae clasp hans an’ summon th’ spirits intae thes studio, yoo’ve got anither hin’ comin’. Nae oan mah watch, ye damned fools! Dae ye want thes tae be a cursed place? Is ‘at whit ye want, ye feckin’ knuckleheids? Tak’ yer damned conjurin’ elsewhaur!†Luckily, Nathan was waiting outside to do his Triangle Time review. He rushed in and was able to finally calm Haggis down. But it may have been too late, as there’s an extra flask rating for our main review this week. Who could it be?

Next Week

Liminal Performance Group’s production of e.e.cummings’s Santa

An interview with Portland actor Chantal DeGroat


0:34 Intro

1:42 The next Theatre Roundtable: Monday, Dec. 8, 7:30 at Lucky Lab

3:48 Theatre Forum: www.5uselessdegrees.org/forum

4:20 Artslandia

6:10 Whisky Tasting: Part 1

10:15 Review of ART’s: Blithe Spirit by Noel Coward

32:30 BREAK

32:39 Back from BREAK

32:55 Whisky Tasting: Part 2

34:25 Review of Blithe Spirit continues

43:00 Triangle Time: Review of 5 Lesbians Eating a Quiche

54:00 The Calendar

55:08 Theatre Around the World

1:01:40 In Closing