The 5 Minute Entrepreneur Podcast - Practical Daily Advice On Building a Lifestyle Online Business,

The 5 Minute Entrepreneur Podcast - Practical Daily Advice On Building a Lifestyle Online Business,

What Kind Of Knowledge Do You Need And Where To Find It

September 30, 2016

In this episode you will hear:
To be an entrepreneur you need information. You need knowledge of how to build a business whether it is online or offline.
If you have a sound knowledge, it will allow you to grow businesses faster and smarter. It is like cutting a tree – it is better to cut it with an axe than to cut it with a knife. Or as Jim Rohn says you need to do a skilled labor, not just labor.
Information is the biggest asset. Information can make you a fortune without you investing even a cent.
However, knowledge has little value if it is not used. As Jim Rohn says only applied knowledge counts.
I break down knowledge into two groups – General Knowledge and Specific Business Knowledge.
General Knowledge (GK) is knowing stuff that applies to all or most areas of life – like how to set and achieve goals (you can check my book about that here), negotiating, affirming positive things about yourself, time management and so on.
You can get GK from a ton of sources, but here are the ones I suggest:
Books and Audiobooks
Just remember what Will Smith says:
“The keys to life are running and reading. For reading: there have been gazillions of people that have lived before all of us. There’s no new problem you could have–with your parents, with school, with a bully. There’s no new problem that someone hasn’t already had and written about it in a book.”
I recommend that you read paperback books in the morning and before going to bed and listen to audiobooks during your day – when driving cleaning and so on. Here are some of the books I recommend.
YouTube Channels 
You can play them in the background. Here is what I recommend:

* Evan Carmichael

* FightMediocrity

* Peter Sage

You can also find videos of your own by just typing in the search bar Jim Rohn, Elon Musk, etc.


Here are the two podcasts that I recommend:
Freedom Fast Lane
Robin Sharma Podcast
Specific Business Knowledge (SK) is more about building businesses and in our case – building online businesses. It is a theme to this podcast, so I am just scratching the surface here and will give you more specifics as we go along.