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Latest Episodes

LS ep 056 : On Allegiance To Virtue
July 28, 2018

What does virtue really mean? The path may be different for others. But the true way comes from philosophy as Seneca writes: “And this way will be afforded you by philosophy. Betake yourself therefore to philosophy if you would be safe, untroubled,

LS ep 055 : On The Value of Retirement
July 25, 2018

Retirement means different things to different people. If you are older it becomes a more pressing issues. If younger not so such. Financial resources are a consideration. Money is meant to be an indifferent but the possession or lack of it guides reti...

LS ep 054 : On the Familiarity of Kindred Minds
July 23, 2018

When we are comfortable with other people we share a familiarity with, we are in our comfort zone. It could be friends out to a restaurant or co-workers on a team. Working with others with a kindred mind as Seneca stated makes us excel.

LS ep 053 : On a Promising Pupil
July 21, 2018

This short letter of Seneca’s indicates the joy and excitement a teacher or mentor has in developing a student. It is hard to measure the context of the letter but it shows the elation in its verses. I grow in spirit and leap for joy and shake off my y...

LS ep 052 : On The Futility of Learning Maxims
July 17, 2018

A maxim is defined as an expression of a general truth or principle. In this letter Seneca seems to argue that too many individuals, scholars perhaps, take small snippets and extracts to define a subject rather than the whole work itself.

LS ep 051 : On Progress
July 15, 2018

One of the things that Stoicism teaches us is that we have control of our desires. It is within us as individuals to decide what we want in life. It is one thing to recognize what we want but it is another to achieve what we want.

LS ep 050 : On Siren Songs
July 11, 2018

  The sirens that Seneca refers to are creatures from Greek mythology. They resembled female humans with large wings. They would sing a mesmerizing song to lure sailors tio the rocks of the island they lived on.

LS ep 049 : On Conquering the Conqueror
July 08, 2018

In this letter Seneca writes about a friend who is facing death with courage and honor. “But the mind of our friend Bassus is active. Philosophy bestows this boon upon us; it makes us joyful in the very sight of death,

LS ep 048 : On The Critical Condition of Marcellinius
July 06, 2018

The passages in this letter are about Seneca helping a mutual friend of him and Lucilius. “You have been inquiring about our friend Marcellinus and you desire to know how he is getting along. He seldom comes to see me,

LS ep 047 : On Travel As Cure For Discontent
July 01, 2018

We have this thing called vacation where we leave our jobs for a brief period of time maybe a week to get away from the stress and work and life. But when the vacation is over we return to what we were getting away from in the first place.