4th Drink

4th Drink

Episode 12 – Comicon highlights

August 03, 2016

We are back!  This has been a busy past few weeks and with that we came back to have a show with only Mike and Steve.  It dwells on the recent Comicon in San Diego that recently finished.  Lots of news, trailers and interviews that happened over those few days.  We touch on the Marvel Universe with the movies and tv shows.  And we can’t forget DC since they are in the spotlight as well.  We do wander down the rabbit hole and few times and touch on gag reels, behind the scenes and commentary on movies.  We didn’t forget to add our drinks and a few hotties to the show as well.
Hold on to your drink tightly this time.  It will be a fast and furious show!
Malibu rum and coke
Rye and ginger ale
Poison ivy
Harley Quinn
Captain marvel – Brie Larson