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49ers Now

49ers Now Week 8 Podcast - feat. @FRISCASSO

October 31, 2013
Week 8 Podcast Summary:

  1. [0:00-6:00] MNF – The Hawks are beatable / The Rams can’t win.
  2. [6:01-15:00] Jacksonville domination recap, and why London would be a perfect place to move the Jags (Hint: Londoners would not fully comprehend how bad of a franchise they are inheriting)
  3. [15:01-23:33] Kyle Williams - you are the weakest link, goodbye. SKUTA for the WIN!
  4. [23:34-50:42] Interview with Bay Area hip hop artist FRISCASSO.  Listen to his latest track about the 9ers, “Sons of Harbaugh”

Listen to @Friscasso’s “Son’s of Harbaugh.



Listen or Download the Podcast: 

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