40 Going On 14

40 Going On 14

Jackass Forever – All the Knoxville, Steve-O and Bam you can handle!

April 24, 2022

No, this show isn’t all about us. Although, we are all jackasses in our own right. We’re actually talking about Johnny Knoxville, Steve-O, Bam and the rest of the gang as we chronicle their history of super stunts, super gross outs and super hilarious moments, it’s the #Jackass show.

The boys of Jackass were viral video pioneers, when the internet was still in its infancy. They set the standard for what turned into long history of spin off shows, copycats and people that took this to the next level.

With their recent 4th film, are these idiots still made of Nerf? How many of them still have their own teeth? Can they still pull off the stunts that made them famous? We’re going to answer all of these questions with a sick bag in hand and our laughter at the ready. Giddy up!

If you’d like to leave the guys a question for the “Question of the Week” or leave us a show idea or voice message, use the link HERE or call 708-669-9727!!

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You can donate to the show at our Ko-Fi Page! ko-fi.com/40go14