3rdRace.org Podcast

3rdRace.org Podcast

3RP 021 Meet the Walters

May 10, 2017

Welcome to podcast #21! This is the third installment of a continuing "Meet the Saints" series.
The Players

* R.C.
* Andrew
* Tyrone
* Alison
* Carrie
* Bridget

The Conversation
Who are you? That's the burning question inquiring minds want to know! We've already met Milt and Mary Rodriguez and Jon and Dotty Zens, and today we meet Carrie and Andrew Walters. Carrie is a regular contributor on this blog, and Andrew has written a guest post or two, as well. Both are hosts on the To the Saints Radio program that airs on Sunday afternoons in Austin, TX. If you like to hear people's stories, where they've been with the Lord, and where they are now, then this podcast is for you! This conversation has been bootlegged from the very first To the Saints Radio program aired back in January of 2017. If you'd like to hear the whole program, in which the saints also discuss starting from the very beginning, mosey on over to tothesaintsradio.com.
Where to Find Carrie and Andrew
Unite the Tribe

To the Saints Radio