The Inside Out Revellers Podcast

The Inside Out Revellers Podcast

12. Sam Jarman, Professional Golfer & Coach

January 19, 2017

Hello! (apologies for the sound on our end this week)

In this episode we spoke to our mate Sam Jarman. Sam is a PGA professional golfer and coach. He is also the author of the fantastic book

"The Three Principles of Outstanding Golf- How a Golfer's Mind Really Works"

He plays his golf at Woburn golf club in Buckinghamshire, England.

Sam's services are called upon by many golfers of all levels. Sam has been building a reputation over the years.

The great thing about Sam is that he is not typical Golf coach. He is known for massively improving golfer's games on the course, but also providing players with significant positive shifts off the course, in areas such as personal relationships, creating more love in their life and being able to solve problems easier than ever.

We really enjoyed speaking with Sam. We both look forward to working with you more in the near future :-)

Below are the links/details to Sam's Book and website.

Let us know how you enjoyed this episode!

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