Visual Design Take Ten

Visual Design Take Ten

The Importance of Entering Image Competition

March 27, 2024

Ty Swartz discusses the importance of entering professional photographic competitions for photographers and visual design artists in this conversation. He shares his personal experience and highlights the growth and improvement that can be achieved through image competitions. Ty emphasizes the benefits of joining the Professional Photographers of America (PPA) and participating in the International Photographic Competition. He explains how recognition and prestige can enhance a photographer's reputation and open doors to networking and collaboration opportunities. Ty also emphasizes the value of feedback and learning in image competitions and the continuous learning and professional development that comes with benchmarking skills and personal growth. He discusses the success and validation that can be gained from competition and the benefits of marketing and branding. Ty encourages photographers to overcome fear and push their artistic boundaries and invites them to join the PPA to be part of a community dedicated to excellence in photography.