36 Times- Canadian True Crime & Dark Discussions

36 Times- Canadian True Crime & Dark Discussions

Surprise! Patron Preview! Maurice Doyle Had an Axe.

August 12, 2019

Hey listeners! This week, instead of a regularly scheduled episode, we are doing a Patron Preview and sharing one of our favourites from the past. It's been a stressful time at 36 Times headquarters, specifically involving selling and moving houses, so unfortunately, new content has to be put on pause this week. We will be back in two weeks time with something new for you, of course! We appreciate your understanding, and look forward to what we have planned to share with you later in the month!
Without further ado...it's April's Patron Only Episode!
Patrons! It's April, and Lilly brings the story of Maurice Doyle, a murderer who used something that was at hand--an ax! Didn't you hear everyone had one back then? 
Have some sources!
1, 2, 3  or buy the book!