The 365 Days Podcast: Getting Better Every Day

The 365 Days Podcast: Getting Better Every Day

Episode 042--Give credit to the tailwind - The 365 Days Podcast: Getting Better Every Day

April 04, 2017

Have you ever been running and have had a major headwind that you're trying to fight? It's not fun, right? Every step seems to take an enormous amount of energy and you have to fight for each inch forward. Then you turn around to head back home and all of a sudden you have this amazing wind at your back pushing you forward and you feel absolutely amazing. You're super grateful. At first, that is. And then within a few minutes you tend to forget that why you feel so good. You just think "man, I'm in such great shape! I feel amazing today."

We've had this experience numerous times. But we're not really talking about running today we're applying this concept of headwinds and tailwinds to our lives. How many times have you had a challenge (a headwind) and it's hard and overwhelming and you notice it with every step you take? Probably a lot right? Have you ever flipped this scenario and asked yourself what tailwinds you have in your life and how they make things go so much easier? For example, do you notice when your car is working well? Do you notice when your kids are healthy? Do you notice when your sheets are clean and washed? Do you appreciate the spring blossoms? There is so many tailwinds that we have in our life. Today's episode is going to help us recognized the tailwinds in our life and therefore produce more happiness and gratitude.

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