The 365 Days Podcast: Getting Better Every Day

The 365 Days Podcast: Getting Better Every Day

Episode 018–New Beginnings Resolution - The 365 Days Podcast: Getting Better Every Day

August 29, 2016

In this week’s episode of The 365 Days Podcast, it’s back to school time! There is a bit of crispness in the air and the season is shifting. For many moms it’s also the time of year where we either cheer or tear up and send our kiddos back to school. We usually go from a lax schedule to a more structured routine. Because there is such a drastic change this time of year it’s also a good time to set some new (school) year’s resolutions. When we feel that we have a “fresh start” it’s a perfect time to challenge ourselves to getting better at something that we’ve been slacking on.

We also discuss homework tips. For many moms this is really a sticking point and can cause a lot headaches. Heidi gives us some smart ways to make homework less miserable and she tells us why teachers give it out. Karen addresses some ideas for quick and healthy breakfasts as well as lunch box ideas and her trick for nutritious after school snacks.
Finally we talk about how last week’s sugar challenge went. Find out why Karen gave herself a D+ on this challenge and the difference between an Abstainer and a Moderator.

This week’s challenge: Set a New Beginnings Resolution! With the change is seasons it’s a great time to set a new goal or work towards change in an area of your life that could use a boost. 

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