Game Changers Radio: Melbourne Radio Wars

Game Changers Radio: Melbourne Radio Wars

I'm out. Now what? Jules Lund

September 13, 2020

Pick yourself.
In 2001 I picked Jules Lund to be the star of a radio stunt on FoxFM called “15 days of Fame”. 
He’s been picking himself every since.
From investing $10,000 in a showreel which helped land his first job on TV as the host of Getaway, to paying a videographer out of his own salary in 2014 to help create an online strategy for his role on the 2day breakfast show - Jules has always been prepared to put his money where his loudmouth is to make things happen.
According to Jules, in today’s modern media - “You don’t have to wait for anyone - just pick yourself.”

The founder of Tribe, Jules Lund provides a master class on how you can create your own tribe. “What I love about social media is you can be you and still find an audience.”

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Game Changers: Radio - Insights and Lessons from the World's Best Broadcasters and Programmers is available now. Find the book here. 

Game Changers: Radio is produced by Jay Mueller and is part of the Bad Producer Podcast Network. 

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