Mere Mortals Book Reviews

Mere Mortals Book Reviews

Move Aside Regulation Bullshit, Progress Is Coming Through! | How Innovation Works (Matt Ridley)

November 24, 2022

Don't stand in the way of this or you might get railroaded .... literally!

'How Innovation Works' by Matt Ridley is a how-to book that somewhat becomes an argument for change. It uses primarily stories from history to illustrate the key thesis, from food to communication to primitive technology amongst others. The difference between innovation and invention is also distinguished with an explanation of the role of the individual thrown in as well.

I summarised the book as follows. "It captures the spirit & philosophy of innovation, if not the science & technical process of how it works. I was surprised by how much emphasis is placed on the hindrances, which almost all come from group think rather than individuals. It's a new book so don't put too much weight into all the stories but I feel it has added to the personal philosophy/hypothesis that I'm building."

I hope you have a fantastic day wherever you are in the world. Kyrin out!

(0:00) - Intro
(0:35) - Synopsis
(2:32) - The What: Clearing up Innovation's is's & isn'ts
(9:03) - The How: Move aside & GTFO
(21:49) - Observations/Takeaways
(24:30) - Summary

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