Mere Mortals Book Reviews

Mere Mortals Book Reviews

Sort Your Sh!t Out (Gary Waldon) - Book Review

February 13, 2021

Have you got your shit sorted? 'Sort Your Sh!t Out' by Gary Waldon is a guide to confronting your own mind and the self-talk that goes within. The book is a mix of mini-activities, deeply personal stories and an introduction to Bob (the negative persona inside your own head). The book is split into 4 sections: knowing, owning, dealing and maintaining your shit. Gary essentially induces the reader to take responsibility for their own problems and their own life.
I summarised the book as follows. "This is a self-help book that will have you questioning whether your shit is actually sorted. I believe it would be useful for those unused to self-reflection/introspection and who need some help along that journey. I personally had come to many of the same conclusions as Gary has through my own experiences so didn't find it as engaging as I would have whilst younger. Nevertheless it is a solid book and Gary is a top notch bloke, as seen by the discussion I had with him on a Mere Mortals Conversation #36."
As always, we hope you enjoy, Mere Mortals out!
Timeline:(0:00) - Synopsis(2:25) - Layout(5:03) - What Sets It Apart: The onus is on you!(7:42) - Personal Observations(9:51) - Summary(11:13) - Pragmatic Takeaway: Use the bibliography

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