Mere Mortals Book Reviews

Mere Mortals Book Reviews

Born To Run (Christopher McDougall) - Book Review

February 13, 2021

Have you ever tried running barefoot?

In Christopher McDougall's best-selling book titled 'Born To Run' we dive into the world of ultramarathon running with a race that combines the modern with the old. The book is a mixture of biography, history, science and adventure; all wrapped up in a story of an ultramarathon held deep in the Mexican Copper Canyon. The principal themes of the book explore the lost art of endurance running and why a barefoot/minimalist shoe style might actually be beneficial to prevent running injuries.

I had this to say after not being able to put down the book. "It's a very engaging tale of people pushing their limits that will make you want to run! It's engaging probably because it is a little bit exaggerated but as long as you keep that in mind it's a fascinating book about ultramarathoners, running long distances and crazy people in general."

I hope you have a fantastic day wherever you are in the world. Kyrin out!

(0:00) - Synopsis
(1:14) - The lost art of endurance running
(6:40) - Foot health and running injuries
(9:12) - Personal observations
(12:29) - Summary: an engaging tale of people pushing their limits
(13:12) - Pragmatic takeaway: running barefoot and without pressure

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