Mere Mortals Book Reviews

Mere Mortals Book Reviews

The Hero With A Thousand Faces (Joseph Campbell) - Book Review

February 13, 2021

Are you looking for a hard to read book with a vocabulary that will leave you uncertain of your English abilities? 'The Hero With A Thousand Faces' is one of the most famous works by Joseph Campbell, detailing the archetype of the hero and comparing myths/legends from across the world. It is a highly influential work with its impact reaching out from the era of Star Wars up to modern day philosophers such as Jordan Peterson.
Juan had this to say about the book. "It was enjoyable in pieces and I was sharing this with a couple of people that probably 10% of it I wanted to keep on reading and really enjoyed. But it almost shot itself in the foot as you got onto the next chapter, as the next chapter just became overly ballooned with words and I just thought you could have dialled this back and really told this message you were trying to get through."
As always, we hope you enjoy, Mere Mortals out!
Timeline:(0:00) - Introduction(0:53) - A hard book to read(3:01) - Breakdown of the book(5:20) - A humbling vocabulary(6:02) - Psychology & myth(7:24) - Final thoughts
Kyrin's previous review of the book:

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