Mere Mortals Book Reviews

Mere Mortals Book Reviews

Two Who Survived (M. Lee Connolly) - Book Review

February 13, 2021

'Two Who Survived' is the story of Rose & Max Schindler in the Nazi concentration camps, written by M. Lee Connolly. It follows their separate journeys as kids in an increasingly hostile Europe leading up to WWII, their survival through the Holocaust and subsequent life post-war. The book touches upon the need for hope/optimism in the darkest of times when staring in the maws of death. For those wanting more explicit detail, Rose appeared in a fantastic podcast episode with Jocko Willink.
Juan had this to say about the book. "It's a 140 odd pages which also includes some pictures linking to the people and locations being discussed. Although the book deals with some dark themes and horrific stories, you also get to take a peak at when humanity shines through. A cohesive, packed book that you can read in short order and one in which you will come away with a greater appreciation for your life and the ability to grow old."
As always, we hope you enjoy, Mere Mortals out!
Timeline:(0:00) - Introduction(1:41) - Hope and optimism in terrible situations(3:07) - Reading from the book(4:36) - A book packed with action(6:23) - Key takeaway: never forgot what we humans are capable of(7:58) - Perspective: the gift of life(8:24) - Juan's summary

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