Mere Mortals Book Reviews

Mere Mortals Book Reviews

Republic (Plato) - Book Review

February 13, 2021

How does one become a 'Philosopher King'? Plato's 'Republic' is one of the seminal works of philosophy and one that has had a tremendous impact on critical thought and culture. It follows Socrates as he converses with friends and interlocutors on the purpose of defining the nature of 'justice'. As part of his argument, Socrates develops the concept of a perfect 'Republic' led by his Philosopher Kings. Another famous cultural icon to emerge from the book was his allegory of the cave (Plato's Cave), a way to describe the effect of education and seeking higher knowledge.
Kyrin had this to say about 'Republic': "It was hugely influential and a pivotal book that requires attention and work. This isn't the sort of book that you can read flippantly and think that you've got it. For me it was largely not enjoyable but did provoke some insights. I feel this is one of those books you need to read a couple of times to really delve into all of its themes."
Timeline:(0:00) - Introduction & synopsis(2:17) - The nature of 'justice'(5:07) - Philosopher Kings and finding the true reality(7:43) - The 5 types of regimes(10:25) - Personal observations(14:14) - Summary(15:18) - Pragmatic takeaway: compassion
As always, we hope you enjoy, Mere Mortals out!
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