One Little Candle

One Little Candle

Holiness, Sacredness and a Smorgasbord Spirituality. Refuting Rainn Wilson’s Book Soul Boom; Why We Need a Spiritual Revolution Part 6

January 12, 2024

Is spirituality the new religion?  Join host, Rebecca Berschwinger, as she  delves deep into the book “Soul Boom, Why We Need A Spiritual Revolution” by Rainn Wilson, and challenges  the concept of a new-age approach to spirituality and its implications.  Wilson presents an alternative to traditional religion rooted in Baha’i beliefs, Buddhism, and Native American spirituality. But is this the answer to a deeper connection with the divine, or a departure from established truths?   Episode 97

Topics covered include:

– Alternative to traditional religion based on Baha’i beliefs

– Rejecting Jesus as more than a prophet

-Exploration of Holiness and Sacredness

– Biblical concept of holiness

– Interconnectedness of holiness and sacredness

– Contrast between conservative and liberal viewpoints on what is considered sacred

– Stone near the Temple Mount and its significance in different beliefs

– Conflicts over the Church of the Holy Sepulchre

– Concerns about inherited beliefs lacking relevance

– Examples of religious groups rigidly adhering to inherited beliefs

– Consequences of abandoning religious principles, including potential World War 3

– Reasons for non-religious affiliation and spiritual but not religious identity among young Americans and Europeans

– Disagreements with contemporary organized religion, particularly related to sexuality and pleasure

– Dismissal of religious dogmas and relevance of ancient doctrines

– Laws and moral teachings around sexuality, abortion, premarital relations, and gender roles

– Negative impact of organized religion and new age spirituality

– Smorgasbord spirituality and self-care focus

– Positive impact of religion on progress, unity, and enlightenment

– Unifying common threads and universal truths among different faiths in the world