The 30 Minute Cocktail Hour

The 30 Minute Cocktail Hour

Playing the Pot Market - I Mean Stock Market

April 25, 2018

This week Ed Schoen of "Ed's Got My Money Podcast" and 'Pot Stocks" Facebook page stops by to talk playing the market on your own.  We talk about what platform to use as well as strategies he's learned over his 30+ years of trading.  The new hot stocks are in the growing marijuana industry (no pun intended).  Ranging from .0001 cent to several hundred a share, they can be lucrative but yet very volatile and unpredictable.   Ed let's us know his method for navigating this new area.

Being a journeyman carpenter and general contractor for decades Ed showed his skills on several design reality TV shows.  Not only did he use those skills to win but also invented a product that took him to ABC's Shark Tank...almost.  He tells us about his experience on those shows as well.

This week he helps me review two beers from Icelandic brewer Einstok as well.  Kick back, listen and enjoy.