Two Nerdy Black Guys

Two Nerdy Black Guys

Two Nerdy Black Guys: Welcome To The Thirty Club - Two Nerdy Black Guys

October 08, 2015

Today on 2NBG, a very stream of consciousness episode.

We get into the origin of both gentleman’s names. And, yes. The Deej’s story is classic self-deprecating Djm, and may be where it all began.

Also, Kaz had a birthday! Brandon Cooper is now officially one of the THIRTY CLUB BOIZ~! Kaz has contemplated his next phase, including increasing his education. The guys discuss what entering your 30s means and if goals matter. If all that adult stuff you hear about really matters.

All this and why Djm doesn’t believe in the echo chamber of internet communities, but is perfectly ok with being a trendwhore as Youmacon looms…