Value In You with LS Kirkpatrick
Latest Episodes
Entrepreneurial Concepts To Consider With Guest Sifu Rafael
Value In You with LS Kirkpatrick Concepts are what guide us on our Entrepreneurial journey. Are the ones we have the best for us, or are we copying someone else's journey and expecting the same results for us? Concepts can be similar, however, implementa
Why A Small Business Fails With Guest Cedric Singleton
Value In You with LS Kirkpatrick Most small businesses fail - not because of their ideas, products, or services. They fail because of cashflow challenges. I will discuss the "business" part of being an entrepreneur. Join LS Kirkpatrick on the Value In Yo
Strategies In Digital Marketing With Guest Chris Burns
Value In You with LS Kirkpatrick You matter. Your work hard to get your message out can be a challenge just keeping up with the trends and can feel overwhelming. But, it doesn't have to be expensive, difficult, or time-consuming. Join your host, LS Kirkp
Wisdom On The Front Porch – Leadership And Excellence – LS Kirkpatrick
Value In You with LS Kirkpatrick Sitting on the front porch with a friend usually lends itself to wise words of wisdom. Join LS Kirkpatrick on the Value In You show to see how this wisdom can be applied into leadership. Grab your cup, sit a spell or do w
Good Friday OR Great Friday – LS Kirkpatrick
Value In You with LS Kirkpatrick What's so Good about Friday? Aren't all Fridays good? Aren't all Friday's Great! I am not being sacrilegious or mocking this sacred day. Good Friday is the day of rejoicing, the day of mourning, the day of freedom! Why no
Joy In Both With Guest Violet Detre
Value In You with LS Kirkpatrick There is Joy in abundance around us and in us. Join LS Kirkpatrick, host of the Value In You show and her Guest, Violet Detre as Violet tells her story of how she found Joy and now shares her story, her journey to the wor
What’s Pulling You Back? Shed That Last Layer – Desire Cruz
Value In You with LS Kirkpatrick As we go through life and face challenge, some tragic, some toxic, and some that we just don't quite know what to do with, we shed layers of that incident(s) as we heal and move forward. In this episode, Value In You host
The Destruction Of Politically Correctness – LS Kirkpatrick
Value In You with LS Kirkpatrick Being Politically Correct. Is it destructive or constructive? In this 32nd episode of the Value In You show with host LS Kirkpatrick, she brings her insights of observation, seeing it in real life and real time, and blend
Be The Best You, That You Can Be, Today! – Steve Kidd
Value In You with LS Kirkpatrick Whether you are writing a book or wanting a better You, this episode on the Value In You show, with your host LS Kirkpatrick and her guest speaker, Steve Kidd, will guide you on your journey. Join us on inspiredchoicesnet
Is There Value In Prayer? With Guest Albert Meza III
Value In You with LS Kirkpatrick Is there Value in Prayer? Does it work, is it just for really tough times? What is prayer, anyways? Value in You host, LS Kirkpatrick, and her guest Albert Meza discuss these questions and share their insights and their l