The 24HrMom Show™

The 24HrMom Show™

The 24hrmom Show Mommy Roundtable- Sex On The HomeFront

February 02, 2012

The 24hrmom Show™ Mommy Roundtable is a -weekly source for inspiration brought to you via live Internet radio broadcast.Our mission is to empower, inspire, and motivate YOU to be Powerful, Positive and Passionately Driven.The 24hrmom Show is known for supporting women to know their self worth, tap into their inner most potential all while supporting and raising happy healthy families. It is hosted by Luva Alvarez affectionately known as “24hrmom" and co-hosted by a unique team of Mom’s by way of Terryl Ebony,  Feona Huff & Aja Hunter  who share in the passion and vision to help other women to achieve while simultaneously accomplishing their own individual goals.We will focus on discussing the topics that hits home for everyone especially for our mothers. We hope that as we bring light to the issues that effect directly or directly that it will help strengthen the core of the family Tune in on Thursday Feb 2 at 1pm! As we discuss Sex on The Home front. Parents allowing their children to have sex at home because it safer. Is this the new way for parent to keep tabs on their child sexual activities.