Note To Self: Looking Inward with Ayushi Mathur

Note To Self: Looking Inward with Ayushi Mathur

Latest Episodes

Loving Yourself While Working on Self-Improvement
May 29, 2021

Self-Improvement is an exhilarating journey! Stay at it long enough and you start seeing wonderful changes within you. However, it can be easily addictive also. The addiction to self-improvement stems from a deep lack of self-love for our present selves.

Self Love: The Key to Happy Relationships
February 14, 2021

Happy Valentine's Day my loves! This episode is honest & vulnerable. I talk about how the lack of self love prevented me from having meaningful friendships and relationships in the past. Happy relationships are built on a solid foundation and the foun

Achieving Your Goals with Positive Affirmations
January 30, 2021

In the previous episode, we talked about how manifestations can help us visualise our goals and work towards them with purpose. In this episode, I take you through the role and the impact of positive affirmations on our brain and how it can help us achiev

Setting & Manifesting Goals With Soul
January 15, 2021

January brings with it lots of joy, excitement and energy! It also brings with it the pressure to set mammoth goals and resolutions upon ourselves. The inability to achieve these goals can send us down a negative spiral of guild and self-doubt. In this ep

Embracing & Evolving with Change
September 11, 2020

Hi! I'm Ayushi, a global marketer and content creator. Welcome to the first episode of my podcast 'Note To Self'. Today's episode is titled 'Embracing & Evolving with Change' and I'm talking about how this year has changed a lot for all of us and the
