On Point Conversations

On Point Conversations

Latest Episodes

Under The Influence?
February 17, 2022

Years ago, when collaborating with influencers was a novelty, all it took for a campaign to become successful was for the influencer to talk about the company’s product or service in an article, blog

Rethinking 2022 Business Strategies
January 27, 2022

Rethinking marketing plans and evaluating current assumptions. Start the new year out right by finding out what is not working and taking positive steps to change those ideas, processes or tactics. Wh

The Covid Effect On Your Digital Marketing Strategy
January 20, 2022

Covid has not only affected daily living but it has driven a further, expanded digital shift. With that shift comes the need for leaders in companies to fully understand the customers' needs and deve

Is instilling fear a marketing message or unamerican?
November 10, 2021

For those familiar, there is a fear-based marketing approach. It is the use of consumers' fears to motivate them to purchase a product or contribute to a cause. Fear based marketing is as old as ma

Shifts Relating to Employee Attitudes and Challenges
October 07, 2021

Forbes 2022 Global Culture Report demonstrates significant shifts that are affecting how work is accomplished and to what degree companies create and develop great work. Employee engagement has droppe

Talking and Learning from Long time Podcaster.- Bill Keenan
September 30, 2021

As of April 2021, there are over 2,000,000.podcasts and over 48 million podcast episodes. Competition for the listening audience is fierce. Join me today, as I interview, Bill Keenan, long time podc

Ways to Effectively Work with a Consultant
September 23, 2021

Hiring consultants is big business and can take a chunk of your budget. The return on all that advice not only depends on the consultant you hire but also depends on who and how the advice will be rec

5 Steps to Making Meetings Productive
September 09, 2021

More times then I can count, I hear individuals complain about spending too much time in meetings. I agree this can happen. But there are ways to make meetings productive. In this podcast, I outli

Prepare or Repair Your Business
September 02, 2021

An uptick in Covid19 infections, delta variant, slow down, shutdown or more restrictions make keeping a business going strong difficult. Learn ways you can further help your business stay ahead, gene

Using Your Content to Develop Connections
August 27, 2021

Developing and planning a content strategy with the right, most valuable and productive elements including stellar content will fall flat on its face if your connections aren't getting connected with.
