On Point Conversations

On Point Conversations

Latest Episodes

Evaluating the Need for Change in Your Organization
March 16, 2023

Making changes within your company might be hard depending on the extent that it disrupts the way things have always been done. Therefore, before heading off to make any change just to make a change

15 Questions to Answer Before Starting a Change Management Plan
March 07, 2023

To implement an effective change management project ask yourself and your team these 15 questions. Change can be difficult, and the process often runs into barriers and issues that must be overcome

Making Changes More Effective
March 03, 2023

People, in general, don't like to change especially when they have no say, no understanding and no way to provide input or feedback on how it affects them. In business change is frequent and without

Let Your Audience Remember What You Said
February 21, 2023

Points to help you communicate your message so your audience remembers what you said.

On a Journey and Making the Map As You Go
February 14, 2023

Marketing planning is important but sometimes you will need to go on a project or marketing journey and make the map as you go and that is okay. Not ideal but okay and necessary. If you find you ar

Path to Reducing Marketing Schedule Stressors
January 18, 2023

Keeping up with marketing deadlines and schedules can be stressful for eveyone and last minute scheduling deadlines and surprises are not my idea of a good surprise. Take the time to do a little prep

Jargon, Buxxwords, Idioms, Acronyms--Are You Understood?
November 17, 2022

Using jargon, buzzwords, idioms or terminology associated with marketing can sometimes leave your audience confused. If the audience doesn't understand what you are presenting they could outright rej

The Importance of Building Community
November 10, 2022

Businesses can and should build strong customer communities. Give your customers a purpose for choosing your company to work with and buy from, a sense of belonging and being heard all which leads to

Creating a Learning Organization
November 03, 2022

Psychologists find that when we admit we were wrong, it doesn’t make us look less competent but it rather displays honesty and a willingness to learn. Is your organization creating a culture of lear

Making Changes Effectively and With Collaberation
October 20, 2022

In this podcast, I cover ways to make impactful changes by working within your teams as an effective leader who incorporates others opinions and uses listening and question asking skills to develop im
