1 More Podcastle

1 More Podcastle

123 - What can’t I use Deku sticks?

February 16, 2015


Our Intro and Outro music is by Ben Landis off his album Adventures in Pixels – “Credits Music for an 8 Bit RPG” (Twitter @thebenlandis)

Our interlude track was “Title Theme – Mega Man 2″ by Mega Beardo

Show Notes

21:49 – Listener email discussion question “Which other features, either realistic or fantastic, do you think video games would benefit from?”

35:59 – “Title Theme – Mega Man 2″ by Mega Beardo

37:23 – Retro Showdown!

40:08 – Bailey’s pick “The Simpsons” (Arcade)

41:18 – Hunter’s pick “Mad Dog McCree” (Sega CD)

42:55 – Jason’s pick “Tekken Tag Tournament” (Arcade)

43:59 – We’ve gotten to the point in our showdowns where the real and the unreal have blurred. Our theme is games that feature something with bowling… but no a bowling game. Prepare to be amazed.

1:02:51 – We do enjoy interacting with you so be sure to drop us a line in the comments, maybe send us a question you’d like us to answer on air, or possibly a chiptune/nerdcore artist who’s looking for their day in the sun? Well, look no further than 1 More Castle because we do all that stuff.

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Which is the best game?

The Simpsons (Arcade) - BaileyMad Dog McCree (Sega CD) - HunterTekken Tag Tournament (Arcade) - Jason

View Result

Total votes: 15The Simpsons (Arcade) - Bailey (9 votes, 60%)Mad Dog McCree (Sega CD) - Hunter (5 votes, 33%)Tekken Tag Tournament (Arcade) - Jason (1 votes, 7%)
