nairobi min(e)d

nairobi min(e)d

Latest Episodes

episode 11: the burden of explanation
November 19, 2021

It is heavy. And sometimes insurmountable. I am learning..

episode 10: the burden of privilege
September 16, 2021

Title really speaks for itself..

episode 09: decolonising the Nairobi mind
August 20, 2021

Welcome to season 2. This episode is about decolonisation as a personal experience.

ep. 08: deserted spaces
February 01, 2021

you're walking down a crowded street, you make a turn and all of a sudden, there is no one in sight. you're all alone walking this street. what goes through your mind?

ep. 07: african time
February 01, 2021

you are an african timer, you never keep time, you're just an african timer, unapenda kuchelewa.. the recording in the beginning is from a Radiolab podcast about the Kenya Land and Freedom Army (KLFA) - aka The Mau Mau, a pro-independence force active du

ep. 06: speaking English
January 30, 2021

aka International Appeal, is it weird for an African to speak so much English?

ep. 05: living outside nairobi
January 30, 2021

aka rich kid problems? nilitoka mtaani nikadevelop some first world problems, haha..

ep. 04: ugali
January 30, 2021

foreigners always hatin', but they don't get it, ugali is a lifestyle!!

ep. 03: i miss fruits
January 30, 2021

masaibu ya maisha ya majuu

ep. 02: it's not safe for women
January 29, 2021

it really isn't..
