SSPX Sermons

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To Be a Light in this World – SSPX Sermons
The mystery of presentation of the Child Jesus in the temple expresses to us the reality of Christ as the true Light of the world. Our mission, as followers of Christ, is also to be a light in the darkness. The blessed candles that are given to the faithf
Calming the Tempest in Our Soul - SSPX Sermons
The miracle of Our Lord calming the tempest on the waters is an allegory for how he calms the tempest in our souls. Like the apostles of old, we are buffeted by turmoil and temptations. And like them, we must reach out to God, knowing always that our live
The Enemy of the Hour - SSPX Sermons
To no man should we render evil for evil, even the "enemy of the hour," that person who may momentarily vex or wrong us in some way. It could be a neighbor, a friend, or even a family member. Instead of contemplating revenge or relishing in the pain of ou
Life is a Contest of Love Between God and Us – SSPX Sermons
What has God given to us? Everything--and that is why we must acknowledge and give thanks for Our Lord's gifts. We must never forget that God owes us nothing; everything is a free gift of His immeasurable love for us.
Deo Gratias – SSPX Sermons
What has God given to us? Everything--and that is why we must acknowledge and give thanks for Our Lord's gifts. We must never forget that God owes us nothing; everything is a free gift of His immeasurable love for us.
Overcome Evil with Good – SSPX Sermons
So many of us think that evil justifies evil, at least when evil is done unto us. In the context of the family, this pernicious principle manifests itself when spouses keep a running tally of the other's apparent wrongs or, worse, use the faults of extend
Considerations for Wedding Receptions – SSPX Sermons
Our Lord begins his public ministry by instituting the sacrament of marriage. This is why we must be mindful to treat the occasion properly, never forgetting that the true joy we should feel is for the public sacrament that was just effectuated and God’s
Consecration of Self in Marriage – SSPX Sermons
The Cross is a necessary part of any great undertaking, including the sacrament of marriage. This is because the Cross represents a sacrificing of oneself or, rather, a consecration to any cause that is good and noble. For to have a truly Christian marria
Visits to the Blessed Sacrament – SSPX Sermons
To receive the sacraments fruitfully, we need to receive them with good dispositions that can only come through prayer. An easy and fruitful way to strengthen our interior life is by making visits to the Blessed Sacrament.
Four Keys to a Strong Faith – SSPX Sermons
Without faith, we cannot please God or weather life's storms. Faith is a supernatural gift; but we must do our part to receive this gift and strengthen our resolve to serve God. In this sermon, four keys to developing and maintaining a stronger faith in t