In the ED Now

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2024 Q4 – Journal Club
Did you miss journal club? No worries. Listen to the recording in podcast format. Article citation below. Good D. M. (2021). Emergency department physical therapy: An important tool for emergency p
"PTs need to be aware of signs of opioid overdose and what to do to save a life."
Lessons from a New Grad ED PT
I love what I do and I love telling people what I do! Come find out more about what PTs do and can do in this setting from someone who is entirely too enthusiastic!
Emergency PT from the Sidelines
Being a sports PT has many avenues outside of the traditional setting where you're able to work as a team with several providers to elevate the athlete experience.
Emergency PT from the Sidelines
Being a sports PT has many avenues outside of the traditional setting where you're able to work as a team with several providers to elevate the athlete experience.
Be Bold in the ED – Assess Don’t Guess
Be bold! Dont be timid in the ED. Other HCPs are intrigued with how much DPTs know!
Need to Know Neuro
PTs in the ED must have strong neurologic exam skills and know what to do with the results.
Good Grief
"Grief is love's souvenir. It's our proof that we once loved. Grief is the receipt we wave in the air that says to the world: Look! Love was once mine." -Glennon Doyle
Beyond Vestibular
People need support when they are in crisis and are often dismissed as having a mental health issue with a psych consult in the ED due to poor coping skills. It has been reported by many patient advoc